I Accept Myself For Where I Am Today.
I accept that today is a gift.
I accept myself fully for where I am today.
I accept that I am moving forward.
I accept that I have the power to create change in my life.
I accept and embrace that my path has brought me here to this point.
Today is the start of a new journey for me. The last 6 months have been pretty tough. It is now 6 months since I broke my hip. It has been a slow but steady progression of recovery moving from walker to crutches to cane to small steps to regular sized steps to biking to now. Now I can jump, and I’ll soon be able to run. Which is a HUGE step forward from having to drag myself off the ice with my hands in January.
More unfortunate context: 3 months ago I was in a car accident with my partner. It was scary, but no dramatic injuries to our bodies. My minivan was totaled, but I quickly moved into a used Honda Fit (much more my speed anyway!!).
I’ve been in a bit of a slump. I haven’t written much. I haven’t been exercising at the level I’ve wanted to. I’ve also felt a mental block — like I haven’t been able to be 100% present.
But I am looking forward to getting out of that slump.
Today, I started the first day of Yoga With Adrienne’s 30 Day Yoga Camp. This is the second time I’ve tried this, first time was in 2017. I’m going to use it as a framework to not only guide my activity, but my writing and my thoughtfulness. Each day has a mantra, which will be perfect for this project.
My response:
I accept that today is a gift.
I accept myself fully for where I am today.
I accept that I am moving forward.
I accept that I have the power to create change in my life.
I accept and embrace that my path has brought me here to this point.
Excited for future posts, cat/cows, and salmon with crispy skin (what I’m eating while I write this… its so good). Until then… xo, Jack