Wow folks. I’m back after a bit of a hiatus due to a huge newsworthy event happening at everyone’s favorite neighborhood (read: corporate giant) coffee shop, Starbucks. From April 19 (the past) to April 23 (the future), stores will be dishing out the new Unicorn Frappuccino. And, if you were wondering how a drink can be named after a mythical creature, with enough sparkly pink sugar dust, sour blue sauce, and cream, anything is possible.
It has been taking the Instagram world by storm, just search the hashtag #unicornfrappuccino and you are bound to be wowed by the beautiful colorful pictures. I had to try it for myself, and boy was I wowed.

Yayayay. Unicorns, Sugar Plums, and Rainbows
The colors blue me away (haha, get it colors… blue…). The pinks, blues, and purples were so bright and cheery. Today was a pretty cloudy, gloomy day in Minneapolis, but this frap really put skip in my step and a smile on my face!
The thing about this drink is that it is right up my alley. It is a sour, sweet, fruity drink that happens to be vibrant Easter colors. As a connoisseur of candy like Mike & Ikes and jelly beans, I was pretty confident that I would fall in love with this drink after The Washington Post noted yesterday that the drink “tastes like sour birthday cake and shame.”
The major flavor that comes through for me is that of a Blue Raspberry Jolly Rancher or a Blue Sour Patch Kid. Besides the creamy icy milkshake texture, most of the creamy flavor gets covered up with the sour and fruit notes of the drink. Warning, you will likely be puckering your lips!

Boooo. Sugar Rush, Crash, and Burn
Besides the great aspects of this beverage, the glaring issue is its makeup. My grande Unicorn Frappuccino had 59 grams of sugar. That is like straight up eating 4 tablespoons of sugar. But you know, bodies are miraculous, they have a way of getting all of the delicious garbage that we put in our bodies out eventually. You just can’t overdo it… it’s all about moderation, right?
Before I indulged in mine, I said to myself: “Jack, you can’t have any Jelly Beans this morning because you have to pay $6 for a tall glass of sugar-laced soy milk at 1:00pm.” That’s what I call restraint… Am I Right???? (Maybe I have a sugar problem…….)

To most people, Do it for the gram. They are so pretty!
To fellow candy lovers, Run, do not walk to the nearest Starbucks. It is a sweet treat that will leave your mouth salivating!
If you’d like to hear some other views on the latest Starbucks beverage that are WAY less positive than mine, take a look at these articles from Newsweek and KING5.
In the comments: What are your thoughts on the Unicorn Frappuccino? Does it make you feel magical? Is it an awful corporate trap? Let’s chit chat about it.